Our image galleries are divided more or less by techniques and themes. "Illustrations" collects coloured images, both hand-made and digital illustrations on various subjects. Note that the four "layouts" are just school practical works made from actual ads, but the four labels are part of a series I made for an advertising agency. All the paintings were stolen before I could get them back, so I have only these ugly copies left.
"Drawings" gathers all our black & white works and sketches. Many of the ink drawings were made for the Italian issue of Middle Earth RPG. "Manga" section collects only images with a japanese-looking style, most of them are characters from manga and anime series. "Paintings" shows oil and acrylic paintings and some murales, "Altarion" is a collection of images and sketches dedicated to our comics' characters. You can use the portraits in the "Avatars" gallery as you like. DO NOT link directly the images, but save a copy of your chosen avatar and upload it to your forum. Thanks.